21.10.2008 | 22:42
.. en heldur áfram framkvæmdum
Í tilkynningunni stendur: "Construction continues at the company's greenfield smelter project at
Helguvik, Iceland. The company is closely monitoring and evaluating the project in light of the disruptions in global financial markets."
"We are assessing the status of the Helguvik project across multiple fronts," concluded Mr. Kruger. "We continue to be confident that the smelter will be world class in terms of construction cost, productivity, conversion cost and environmental performance. In addition, the economic activity the project will create will be beneficial to Iceland during these volatile times. In the current environment, we have ceased making any new capital commitments and are reducing project spending. We believe the potential exists for a prudent way forward over time, but will soberly evaluate the feasibility of all elements of the project during the near term."
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