NISK - Ný íslensk króna - hugmynd frá Kanada

Ég fékk þessar hugleiðingar sendar frá John Zufelt. Birti þær hér til gamans. 


As a retired Canadian banker, I want to suggest an alternative restructuring monetary plan for Iceland, and as a friend believe it can provide hope for future generation rather than another mountain of debt and the eventual loss of your rights and assets.

Question: if Egil's treasure were found today would it have value? The answer of course is yes because it was supposed to be gold and silver, which has a value today just as it did in Egil's time and it would have kept up with inflation and still be 'worth a fortune' in present times.

The most successful currency in the history of man has been those tied to the gold standard. A coin containing gold has immediate world-wide value and can not be discounted nor manipulated. The best example is the "Solidus" (or nicknamed the 'Bezant') that was coined by emperor Constantine in Constantinople in the 4th century A.D. It contained 65 grains of gold and this currency became accepted all over the known world for 800 years. If the Bezant were in existance today, it would still have a real value. 65 grains of gold equals .1369 troy ounces, multiplied by current gold price of $700USD/ounce, equals $95.83 in US dollars. This would be the current and indisputable world-wide value of the Bezant today. What other ancient currency can make this claim?

The problems that got Iceland into this mess and indeed so very many other countries, is the debt-based monetary system that prints worthless pieces of paper and issues them as debt. It was debt that got you into this situation and the "experts" now say, more debt will get you out. It's like paying off the Visa Card with the Master Card, and I believe the reason so many of your citizens are thinking of leaving Iceland today is that in their heart they know that these future loans and increased debts will enslave all future generations of Icelanders as well as hand over your assets of fishing and energy and airspace, etc, etc to the bankers of the world.

My suggestion is this: As a person might go into bankruptcy and start over, so should Iceland. Say to the world, "we are very sorry, but this is what has happened. We will endeavor to repay our debts when we get going again." And to 'get going again' accept a loan from a like-minded country like Norway (currently said to offer $650 millionUSD value) and with this money buy gold and mint a new currency tied to gold. As with the Bezant it can have a defined number of grains with a 99.99% purity and will immediately have world-wide acceptence and value.

Of course the current 'expert' bankers will aggressively challenge this because they want their debt machine to continue, but I have no doubt that a NISK (new Icelandic Kroner) tied to gold will protect the value of your currency in future and allow you economy to restart.

To go along with this, the new banks of Iceland must stop issuing Fiat money (paper) and stop the practice of 'fractional reserve lending' (increasing the money supply with no value attached). The banks now become issuers of 'script money' backed and fully exchangeable' into gold. In this way there will not be inflation to take away the value of the currency, and as gold is accepted around the world, the NISK would also be guaranteed that same acceptance. Banks should return to their original function of safe-keeping real assets, and not the printers of worthless paper and speculative investors.

This, then is the concept to restart your economy and restart trade with the world, but most of all to keep your heritage and your assets for the future generations of Icelanders.

John Zufelt

Quote by Alan Greenspan, 1967 (before he became Federal Reserve Chairman)

"The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit…. The law of supply and demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money increases relative to the supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise. Thus the earnings saved by the productive members of the society lose value in terms of goods….. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value…. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth."

In July of 1944 the Bretton Woods Agreement tied world currencies to gold (linked through the US dollar). In 1971, that link with gold was broken and ever since the world banks have printed worthless paper money issued as debt. Every new dollar printed today increases the world's debt. As we now cry for governments to "bailout" banks and corporations we forget that governments have no money – no savings account to spend, only the ability to print new money and thereby go further into debt. And who will pay for the old debts and the spiral of new debts? The answer is, every citizen on earth and our children and our childrens' children, forever and ever. The debt machine can only function in one direction, to increase debt. We must vote for change in banking, and a return to the gold standard is a real option.

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1 Smámynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Lagði eitthvað svipað til á blogginu mínu og nafnið skilding eða eitthvað álíka. Einnig lagði ég til að auðlindir landsins yrðu leystar í hlutum fyrir krónu til traustverðugra alþýðumanna og svo öllu skellt á hausinn og byrjað upp á nýtt. Tabula rasa. Yrðum ekki vinsæl, en við héldum allavega sjálfstæðinu. Nú eru hrægammar í flugvélaförmum að gera kröfur sínar eftir mesta pólitíska afleik sögunnar.

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 17.11.2008 kl. 18:03

2 Smámynd:

Merkileg lesning og þá sérstaklega tilvitnunin í Alan Greenspan. Maður hafði ekki hugsað þetta svona. En þetta er sennilega rétt. Við þurfum að núllstilla og byrja aftur. Vona bara að það taki ekki hundrað ár að komast upp úr dalnum.

, 19.11.2008 kl. 10:06

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