25.2.2009 | 09:07
Látum bara traðka á íslensku þjóðinni - á skítugum skónum
"Ég vil ekki leita réttar míns - ég vill vera vinur þinn!" Er það svona sem nýja ríkisstjórnin hugsar? Á að láta Bretana vaða yfir okkur á skítugum skónum án þess að gera neitt í því? Geir hafði ekki manndóm í sér að hringja aftur, var eins og feiminn ástfanginn unglingur sem guggnaði á fyrstu hindrun.
Á að láta þjóðina greiða tap annarra, greiða tap vegna útrásarvíkinganna og að taka á sig hækkanir lána heimilanna vegna alls þessa og handónýts verðtryggingarkerfis.
Eigum við ekki bara að óska þess að verða sett undir bresku krúnuna? Erum við bara ekki með handónýta pólitíkusa og "sérfræðinga" sem hafa enga pólitíska ábyrgð?
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The law was used because the Icelandic Banks, and in particular Kaupthing were "Alleged" to be actually "Stealing" investors money. You cannot expect anybody to sit and watch that happen. Would you just sit and watch it happen if someone was stealing your money and you caught them in the act? Your Government did nothing. They just sat and watched. Someone had to stop these bandits, otherwise the Icelandic Nation would be even in more debt.
I think the word "Sensible" should be used her. I honestly do not think
that there was any chance for winning this case because of the corruption
and "wheeling and Dealing" that had been going on in the Icelandic Banks
long before the "Freezing of Assets" legislation was used. I think that now
there is a real possibility for the Icelandic Government can work with the
UK Government, to get to the real bandits that were loaning (Laundering?)
investor's money to "prefered" customers, so that the so called " Vikings"
could get a "Nest Egg" put away in the Cayman Islands, and the "Tortilla"
Islands or what ever these "Shady" paradises are called.
I really would like to see the Icelandic Government provide legislation for
a similar Law to take affect in the Icelandic jurisdiction. Only then will
it be possible to get the real gangsters and " Freeze" the damned Asses off
all of them !" They are the bandits....Not the Icelandic Nation...
Good luck Iceland......
Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 25.2.2009 kl. 09:36
En ekki þurfti að beina lögunum gegn íslenska ríkinu, ekki voru þeir bandittarnir!
Guðni Gíslason, 25.2.2009 kl. 09:51
Sorry, but Landsbanki was by then owned by the Icelandic Government. Those were the assets that they froze. The UK accounts in "Hedge" (Kaupthing) were simply transfered to I.N.G. Banking Corporation........to make them safe
Fyrigefdu ad eg skriva a ensku...eins og thu sja, minn islenska er ekki nogu godir..
Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 25.2.2009 kl. 10:07
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.